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Su jok s tlakom

Apr 9, 2015 “What I do here is treat every patient according to the Sujok acupuncture and acupressure therapy system,” the nun explained, while pressing .

korisna svojstva graška u hipertenziji

Seeds are known to be natural stimulators to the acupressure points and are also a part of Sujok therapy. Sujok seed therapy involves using acupressure treatment and tying seeds, pulses and legumes at the treated acupressure point so as to produce further vitality in order to facilitate fast healing.

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“Su Jok’s aim is to balance the of imbalanced energy in the body….the tissues, the cells and the organs.” Advanced Su Jok uses needles to balance the energy and it is called Six Ki treatment which harmonises energy on the physical, emotional and even the Chakra plane.
-> biciklizam i hipertenzija
The Power of Su Jok Therapy One day, when being treated by an acupuncturist, a Spanish friend who was visiting me in London walked into the room and remarked that I looked like a bull who’d had a run in with the picadores (the dudes on horseback who stick the bull with many little knives to rile him up before the actual fight).
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SuJok is a combination of two words. In the Korean language ‘Su’ means hands and ‘Jok’ means feet. Thus, SuJok actually means treating on hands and feet. It is an instant and effective healing therapy without medication and is absolutely safe and does not have any side effects.
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The physician’s role is to facilitate and augment this process. He must act to identify and remove obstacles to recovery and health. The body has enough potential to heal itself; the physician’s task is to provide the appropriate tools to allow.
-> kukuruz i hipertenzija
Su Jok považujem za kráľovskú disciplínu v rámci reflexnej terapie. Mám to šťastie, že vďaka manželom Bielousovím som bol jedným z prvých terapeutov, ktorí sa u nás systému Su-Joku pred rokmi začali venovať. Su-Jok, (Su Džok) je kórejský výraz.

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